When you are renting a car or when you are comparing the prices of rental cars, you will notice that some cars cost a lot more than others. Rental companies do charge their cars depending on many factors. A good determiner is the road tax, the initial cost of the vehicle as well as the amount of money the company spends on insurance. Apart from all that, many other factors can influence the cost of a rental car. Here are some of them

The age of the rental car
This is the first important thing that determines how much you are likely to pay for exotic rent a car dubai. The older the car, the lower the rates or price. Cars that are less than five years old tend to cost more than those cars that are ten years and above older. However, if a car is more than thirty years old, that means that the car has reached its retro status. Its price is likely to start increasing again. This is applicable especially during summertime when there is a high demand for such vehicles, especially for weddings.
The type of car rental
This is also another very important factor that will surely determine the price that you are likely to pay for a car rental. Car types such as SUVs, trucks, vans, and minivans can have a higher price than any other regular car.
Time of the year
There are seasons when rent exotic cardubai is expensive than other seasons. If you didn’t know, it is good to know that car rental will always be a seasonal business. The demand for cars goes up during specific seasons and goes down in some. During high seasons, renting can be expensive.

Abdullah Meheiri Building – Shop #2 – Al BarshaAl Barsha 1 – Dubai

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